Sunday, October 30, 2011

U of W Classics department scores big at annual AHEPA banquet!

Our very own Alistair Mowat and Devon Berofe have both won AHEPA scholarships totaling $2000 and $2500 respectively.

You guys are great representatives of our department and very deserved of these awards.

Congratulations to you both!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Latin Dictionary Anyone?

Here's a little something for those of you struggling through Latin and getting sick of spending so much time looking words up in your dictionary ...

It's a Latin dictionary program called Words.  Such a time saver, and generally very reliable. Just click the link and follow the download instructions.

A big thanks to Alex for finding this one!

If anyone ever finds an equivalent program for Greek - let me know!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Convocation Today!

I would like to extend sincere felicitations and congratulations to all those graduating today, but especially to our beloved former co-consul, Melina Sturym! Hooray!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Zombie Walk 2011

Hey everybody! Guess what! The Classics Students' Association is going to rock the Zombie Walk this year - in Classical costumes! - on Friday Oct. 14th! The walk starts at 8:30 at Stephen Juba Park (on Waterfront Drive, just North of the ballpark), but we're going to rendez-vous first in the Common Room (4G07) at 6:00 for the putting-on of make-up and costumes, then again at 7:00 at the King's Head, and at the park for 8:00! Feel free to join us at any point in the proceedings. Speaking of proceeding, here's a link to the Zombie Walk Facebook page, to which you can proceed in order to find a map of the route which will be followed by the procession (among other info): check it out

Note, we'll be hitting Shannon's for our own after party, because we're more fun than a pack of stinkin' normal zombies anyway! Woo!
p.s. - In case you were wondering, the Latin for "Braaains!" is "Cereeeebra!"

Meeting today!

Hello one and all! Just so you know, our meeting today will be at 12:30 in room 2M67! See you there!